
The third Thursday of each month. 6-7:30 pm EST.

Our next meeting is Febuary 20th, 2025


Online - once you are signed up you will be emailed a zoom link. Please email me at kari@kariherer.com and add, “camera club” to the subject line. I will sign you up and send a zoom link one hour before the meeting. If you would like to share 1 photo please attach it to your email.


To create a space for photographers to meet once a month.

Check in, learn, be inspired, and create connections.

is there a cost?

There isn’t a cost but I do require for your video to be on if you are attending. Please do not attend if you can’t be present for the whole meeting.


The first part of this meeting will be a “check in”. Each participant will “Check in”, this is not required, but this will be a brief (5 minutes or less) description of the participant's week and/or what they have been working on. There will be no commentary about other's “check in” during this time. This “Check in” does not require the presentation of images but up to 4 images may be submitted before 5 pm EST to kari@kariherer.com to be presented at this time. 

The second part will be reserved for a designated speaker. This speaker will be chosen in advance by the facilitator. It’s the speaker's choice to either show work or speak about their experience as a photographer. This is a casual discussion, and speakers will be donating their time. 

The third part will be open. This means that the group can discuss or ask questions to the speaker or to the other participants.


Please limit check-ins to 5 minutes to ensure ample time for the speaker and questions.

Please limit any side conversations during the meeting.

Please keep video on so you can be fully present and benefit from this meeting.

This is a closed meeting limited to members only.

Please save questions until the end of the meeting when the speaker is finished.

Please feel free to offer your own experience, rather than advice, to other attendees.

There will be a facilitator at each meeting. The facilitator’s tasks are listed below

Introduce the Camera Club and welcome members

Lead the “Check in” and make sure everyone has a chance to speak without commentary from others. Present any images for "check in" 

Introduce the speaker

Open the meeting to questions and discussion.

Close the meeting promptly at 7:30pm ET

note - If the group is more than 10 people for check in, a break out room will be added and the group will be split. At 6:30pm ET the group will meet back up for the speakers talk. Discussions will be held back in the breakout room.